LifeWays - Birgit's Blog Birgit's blog Birgit's Blog
Sunday, March 14, 2004

Well, I guess it was coming, our church is now doing "40 days of Purpose' too. I have already read the book (did it in homegroup last year), and even though it wasn't anything breathtakingly new or life-changing, I thought it was ok. I am glad I already knew the material to be covered, because the intro video we watched with the rest of potential group-leadership really ticked me off. Exponential growth - how it brings a smile to God's face. How only God can cause exponential growth (I guess that makes Starbucks, one of the examples of exponential growth cited, really annointed by God??) A lot of it just seemed to contradict itself and bent scripture into service that was definitely not meant to make that point....
Anyways, the book itself was a good vehicle for spin-off conversation in our homegroup. We will be leading a group, a couple people from Randall's work have already committed to coming. I look forward to getting to know them better. If nothing else, spending time talking with people in our home will be a good thing.

posted by Birgit
0 comments at 10:00 PM

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