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Saturday, March 20, 2004

We watched Secondhand Lions last night. Anything with Robert Duvall in it can't be all bad! This was a good family film. It's hokey, but it is supposed to be.
There are some good themes running through this movie. My favorite scene was where Walter is being told "facts and evidence" about his uncles. And he choses faith - he knows his uncles, and his choice is to believe, even when it seems a foolish thing.
We laughed a lot; Michael Caine and Robert Duvall just are a joy to watch and the main reason for renting this film. The backstory is sort of forgetable, the whole movie isn't something that will ever be on the classics list, but it was a fun way to spend an evening with the whole family and a bowl of popcorn...

posted by Birgit
0 comments at 8:21 AM

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