LifeWays - Birgit's Blog Birgit's blog Birgit's Blog
Tuesday, March 02, 2004

We watched the documentary "Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport" last night.
The Kindertransport was a humanitarian effort in large scale - when it became clear that things were not going well for Jews in Germany in 1938, England offered to take in German children to keep them safe. Over 10,000 mostly Jewish children boarded trains in Germany and were placed with foster families in England. (The organizer also talked about writing to many US Senators asking them to get America involved, and all wrote back what a wonderful idea it was, and how many reasons there were for why they couldn't participate....)
Anyways - I was just sitting there with my kids on the sofa holding my little one close, and thinking about those parents - having to make the choice to send your child away to perfect strangers, and knowing you may never see him again, yet knowing that that may be the only chance you have of keeping him safe. We talked for a while afterwards about what we had seen - and how grateful we are for each other, and that we get to be together.
1,500,000 children died in the Holocaust - because of the kindness of strangers, 10,000 lived....

posted by Birgit
0 comments at 10:15 AM

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