LifeWays - Birgit's Blog Birgit's blog Birgit's Blog
Monday, November 17, 2003

I survived the weekend, yeah! Sunday brought rather squashed conditions at church as everyone from nursery to adult is crammed into the building that usually houses only K - 6 children's ministry, while construction is going on. Worship time with the little guys was more difficult because instead of being in an almost empty room set aside for the worship time, we had all of them and the toys in one room, which made for a lot of distraction.
Randall was off to a retreat this weekend, so I carted 7 kids to the movies for Kira's birthday party("Loony Tunes: Back in Action", a movie that even Jon Reid would be hard pressed to find spiritual significance in, LOL) . Quick review: 3 out of 5 stars. A totally ridiculous plot without a compelling story line, but quite a bit of laughs in there even for adults. The big disappointment was Steve Martin - he is so much better than this! He plays this caricature of a person - that really had potential for more. Brendan Fraser does a good job as Damian, a security guard/stunt man/son of WB biggest star ("You think I am not a stuntman? Did you see the Mummy movies? I was in those more than Brendan Fraser was!") The movie is at its best when they trot out all the animated WB characters though - some really funny scenes in there! And the underduck wins....
After the movie, I carted the kids back home, and had a treasure hunt, cake and ice cream, and presents (with Randall back also), and I think they all enjoyed themselves. I am glad birthday season is over for now! (We have 4 birthdays in a 4 week period among the 5 of us...)

posted by Birgit
0 comments at 9:11 PM

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